Going networking? If we want to make create the conditions for impact innovation that unfolds flourishing futures, we need to ask a new question.
Whether you’re going to a trade fair, conference, event, soiree, class…there are always some moments when you need and want to talk to with other people. We say hello. Look at name badges, awkwardly, because they’re increasingly hard to read because of positioning or middle-aged eyesight. We state who we are. Name. Position (rank in the hierarchy, thus confirming the hierarchy). Organization. And then, the dreaded question, “What do you do?” To which, in response, we give back labels to each other and go into transmit mode. I find, “What do you do?” incredibly difficult to answer. Not because I haven’t got an elevator pitch ready but because it seems to demand a transactional response and I don’t work in transactions. I work with humans. I work with Mother Earth. I work with problems and who has them. I work with ideas and solutions. I work with behaviours and needs. I work with the possible futures. I work to surface hopes and dreams of flourishing. I find, “What do you do?” closes down the conversation to a logic that I don’t get, to a snap decision that we might not share values or purpose or expertise. It’s either, or. All or nothing. It promotes those ick moments when you’ve responded and someone decides you’re not worth talking to. I propose something different instead, for all of us. A new question as a signal of change. Don’t ask, “What do you do?” when you meet someone. Ask, “Who do you help?” There’s something so profoundly “opening” and “open-hearted” about “Who do you help?” I’ve been asking this question and it changes everything in the dynamic. It’s the great leveller of age, experience and expertise. It’s an invitation to bring multiple perspectives into a shared space. As a question, it’s an invitation to share, to reflect, to explore the problems that you’re in-love with, and even to acknowledge that you don’t know who you help. Even if you ask it in anger, in judgement, with assumptions, you may find these challenged…or at least you will have more insights and so will the person that you’re speaking to. (There are many politicians that I’d like to ask this question). Asking someone, “Who do you help?” acknowledges them as a problem-solver…or with the potential to be a problem-solver, a change-maker, an impactivator, an unfolder of flourishing futures. It immediately creates that space for a Venn diagram of shared purpose, of diverse perspectives and the need for diversity. However, you also need to be prepared for an existential crisis happening in front of you, so be kind. You are planting seeds of disruption amongst the status quo. How would you answer, “Who do you help?” What if, the next time that you’re at any kind of event, gathering, conference, get-together, you ask this question, knowing that it’s a signal of change unfolding infinite possible futures? Ask it and listen to the hope and optimism manifesting in front of you. Share your own response and notice what happens. #strategicforesight #foresight #futuresthinking #impactinnovation #innovation #impactentrepreneurship #unsdgs #climateaction #flourishing #flourishingfutures #signals #bethesignal |
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