There were moments back in April 2020 when, I swear, I heard the trees breathing. The planes had stopped flying, the sky was crystal clear day and night, clouds were clouds, not contrails masquerading; and the tinnitus of engine noise had ceased. A stillness like nothing I’ve ever known happened. It was stillness rather than quiet, because as it turns out Nature is spectacularly deafening.
And, I’d like to create that to be the normal. I want the reassuring susurrations of trees deafening me every day. That moment was history in the making. The past grounds us in the present of recognizing that what happens right now, sees the future unfold. What we breathe, imagine, create now, manifests forward. When I’m present to that understanding, actually it’s liberating, hope-filled, a call to action, galvanizing me out of fear because it gives me choices of how to arrive in each day. Imagine July 2030, if we all show-up as climate advocates today? Which is why, I think, that NOW is exactly the right time to fall in love… with protecting the planet that breathes us, with yourself and the purpose that’s living through you, with your beloved ones who love you exactly as you are, with dreaming a new narrative into existence. Real love, is about being present to the now, knowing that it unfolds the future. It gives us the grace to braille our way forward step-by-step. Which means it’s time to pop on our wonder-goggles to look at the world and create futures to be in love with. If we’re looking with eyes of wonder at the world, then futures to love become more than possible. The seeds are planted for them to become real. Key question…what is the future of air? It is after all our have-to-have value proposition for breathing. In 2030, what will air be like? When I look at that question without my wonder-goggles on, it’s a terrifying proposition. When I put them on, I am instantly connected to the possibilities of a planet restored with multiple nature-based and nature-inspired solutions. Now, step back to today. Put on your wonder-goggles, pick your gig, show-up as unprecedented you and imagine a more beautiful story. No need to worry if you’ve forgotten how to put your wonder-goggles on (it’s ok…most adults have), then get in touch with me and we’ll go together. So, “Would you like an adventure now, or would like to have your tea first?” JM Barrie, Peter Pan Actually, why not join the Flourishing Futures Collective and be part of a community whose big purpose is unfolding flourishing futures for all? #flourishing #flourishingfuturescollective #bethesignal #signals #strategicforesight #foresight #futuresthinking #flourishingfutures Comments are closed.
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